The process of certification of political subjects to participate in the 2020 Local Elections in the city of Mostar commenced

Considering the Report on verification of applications filed by political parties and independent candidates the BiH Central Election Commission has at its 47th (correspondent) session, held today August 12, 2020 commenced the process of certifying the political subjects to participate in the forthcoming 2020 Local Elections in the city of Mostar, scheduled for Sunday December 20, 2020.


The BiH Central Election Commission has today certified applications for participation in the elections in the city of Mostar for 23 political parties that fully meet statutory requirements for certification. Due to shortcomings in the applications (insufficient number of valid signatures of support or lack of proof on tax payment) 15 political parties will be informed about the shortcomings and will be given a deadline of two days to eliminate the latter. Application of one political party was rejected due to insufficient number of submitted signatures of support.


The BiH Central Election Commission has today certified applications for participation in the elections in the city of Mostar for eight independent candidates who fully meet statutory requirements. Application of one independent candidate was rejected because the application contains multiple shortcomings.


Following completion of the process of certification of political subjects for participation in the 2020 Local Elections in the city of Mostar, the BiH Central Election Commission will publish an overview of certified political subjects on its website.