37 . Session of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina

27. 6. 2024 11 : 0

  1. Adopting excerpt from Minutes of 33rd (urgent) session of the BiH CEC
  2. Proposal of the Conclusion on conducting the drawing of lots for the allocation of one mandate of delegate in the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina from the Republika Srpska, from among the Serb people
  3. Proposal of Decision in case of Municipal Election Commission:
      1) Bosanski Petrovac
      2) Donji Žabar
  4. Proposal of Decision in the case of violation of Article 7.1 of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina by the political party United Srpska (05-1-07-5-863/24).
  5. Proposal of Decision in the matter of violation of the provisions of Article 7.2a, paragraph (2), points a) and c) of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina following the complaint of voter Adem Čaušević dated June 8, 2024 (05-1-07-5-589/24).
  6. Proposals of conclusions in cases of violation of the provisions of Article 7.2a of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina:
      1) Political party Alliance of Independent Social Democrats - SNSD - Milorad Dodik (05-1-07-5-818/24)
      2) Political party Social Democratic Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina (05-1-07-5-875/24)
      3) Political party SDA – Party of Democratic Action (05-1-07-5-525/24)
  7. Proposal of Decision in the case of violation of the provisions of Article 7.3, paragraph (1), item 8 of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina by the political party Alliance of Independent Social Democrats - SNSD - Milorad Dodik (05-1-07-5-590/24).
  8. Proposal of the instruction amending the Instruction on the drawing of lots of political subjects for a place in the polling station committee for the local elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2024.
  9. Proposal of the decision on the introduction of overtime work.
  10. Proposal of the Decision on the selection of the most favorable bidder for the procurement of services for the postal delivery of election materials to the addresses of voters abroad for voting outside of BiH for the 2024 Local Elections.
  11. Proposal of the Decision on:
      1) Procurement of election material transport services for the 2024 local elections.
      2) Appointment of the commission for the procurement of election material transportation services for the 2024 local elections.
  12. A.O.B
      1) Report concerning voter education in Belgium and the Netherlands

dr. Irena Hadžiabdić