52 . Session of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina

14. 8. 2024 15 : 0

  1. Resignations, termination of mandate and awarding substitute mandate:
      1) Municipal Council Ključ
      2) Municipal Assembly Istočna Ilidža
  2. Proposal of the Decision on provision of biometric data of voters from polling stations in Brčko District BiH for the pilot project implementation
  3. Proposal of Decision concerning complaints filed against the BIH CEC’s decision no. 06-1-07-1-1350-1/24 of 01.08.2024 and the Conclusion on joinder of cases
  4. Report on complaints filed by candidates for president and deputy president of the polling station committee, together with proposal of decision and Conclusion on joinder of cases
  5. A.O.B.

dr. Irena Hadžiabdić