63 . Session of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina

12. 9. 2024 10 : 0

  1. Resignations, terminations of mandates and awarding substitute mandates:
      1) Municipal Assembly of Šipovo
  2. Proposal for a Decision in the case of the Municipal Election Commission of Bosanski Petrovac
  3. Report on the submitted request for accreditation of election observers for the 2024 Local Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  4. Proposals for Decisions on the appointment of members of Polling Station Committees at Diplomatic and Consular Representation Offices of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the conduct of the 2024 Local Elections
  5. Proposal for a Decision in the case of a violation of Article 1.8 of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina by the political party SDP – Social Democratic Party of BiH (05-1-07-5-1705/24)
  6. Proposal for a Decision in the case of a violation of Article 7.1 of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina by the political party People's Front – Jelena Trivić, with a Conclusion on the joinder of cases (05-1-07-5-761/24)
  7. Proposal for a Decision in the case of violation of Articles 7.1 and 7.3, paragraph (1), point 8 of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina by the political party SDS – Serb Democratic Party (05-1-07-5-760/24)
  8. Proposal for a Decision in the case of a violation of Article 7.2a of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina regarding the complaint filed by voters Adnan Kudumović and Damir Čabrić, with a Conclusion on the joinder of cases (05-1-07-5-739/24)
  9. Proposal for a Decision in the case of violations of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina regarding the complaint filed by the political party PDP – Party of Democratic Progress (05-1-07-5-1805/24)
  10. Proposal for a Conclusion in the case of a violation of Article 7.1 of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina by the political subject Independent List for Bosanski Petrovac (05-1-07-5-1854/24)
  11. Proposals for Conclusions in cases of violations of Articles 7.1 and 16.14, paragraph (3) of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina:
      1) On the complaint of political subject Independent List for Bosanski Petrovac (05-1-07-5-1850/24)
      2) by political subject Alliance of Independent Social Democrats – SNSD – Milorad Dodik (05-1-07-5-1106/24)
  12. Proposal for a Conclusion on the complaint by Transparency International BiH regarding the Decision of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 06-1-07-1350-1/24 dated 1 August 2024 (05-1-07-5-2007/24)
  13. Proposals for Conclusions on the appeals against the Decision of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 06-1-07-1-1339/24 dated 1 August 2024:
      1) Adnan Šišić (05-1-07-5-1885/24)
      2) Anja Skakavac (05-1-07-5-1884/24)
      3) Dražen Janjanin (05-1-07-5-2027/24)
      4) HDZ 1990 MB Kreševo (05-1-07-5-2025/24)
      5) Transparency International BiH (05-1-07-5-2009/24)
      6) [email protected] (05-1-07-5-2019/24)
  14. Proposal of the Work Program of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the year 2025
  15. A.O.B.

dr. Irena Hadziabdic