24 . Session of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina

4. 5. 2017 10 : 0

  1. Resignations, termination of mandates and awarding substitute mandates:
      1) Municipal Assembly Pale
  2. Proposal of Decision in case of:
      1) City election commission Trebinje
      2) Municipal election commission Sokolac
      3) Municipal election commission Srbac
      4) Municipal election commission Usora
  3. Proposal of Decision on determining excerpt from the Central Voters Register for elections of local self-government bodies – members of Local community councils on the territory of municipality:
      1) Doboj East
      2) Krupa na Uni
      3) Kladanj
  4. Proposal of Second monitoring report on implementation of the BiH CEC’s action plan for implementation of Anti-corruption strategy 2015 – 2019
  5. Proposal of decisions on implementation of Article 1.7 of the BiH Election Law – removal from the CVR
  6. Proposal of decisions on implementation of Article 1.7 of the BiH Election Law – entitlement for registration in CVR
  7. Proposal of Conclusion on initiating procedures to determine responsibility of members of election commissions of basic constituencies:
      1) Konjic
      2) Teslić
      3) Tuzla
  8. A.O.B.


Substitutes the President

     Branko Petrić, member