22 . Session of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina

9. 5. 2024 10 : 0

  1. Adopting excerpt of Minutes from 18th session of the BiH CEC
    Adopting excerpt of Minutes from 19th (urgent, correspondent) session of the BiH CEC
  2. Resignations, termination of mandates and awarding substitute mandates:
      1) City Council of the City of Sarajevo
      2) Municipality Vukosavlje
  3. Proposals of Decisions in case of:
      1) City Election Commission Prijedor
      2) Municipal Election Commission Domaljevac-Šamac
      3) Municipal Election Commission Neum
  4. Proposal of the Decision on compensation for work in polling station committees for the 2024 Local Elections
  5. Proposal of the Decision on Amendments to the Provisional Procurement Plan for 2024 of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  6. Proposal of Decision on:
      1) procurement of services for creating, overdubbing, and producing a video spot, a motivational video, and an audio jingle for the 2024 Local Elections.
      2) appointment of the Commission for the procurement of services for producing, over dubbing, and creating video clips, motivational video clips, and audio jingles
  7. Proposal of Decision on:
      1) procurement of proofreading services for the needs of the BiH CEC
      2) appointment of commission for the procurement of proofreading services
  8. Proposal of Decision on:
      1) Procurement of air ticket issuing services
      2) Appointment of the commission for procurement of air ticket issuing services
  9. Proposal of the Decision on the procurement of catering services for the needs of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  10. Proposal for a Decision on Amendments to the Decision on the procurement of printing and packaging services for election materials for the 2024 Local Elections
  11. A.O.B

dr. Irena Hadžiabdić