32 . Session of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina

13. 6. 2024 10 : 0

  1. Adopting excerpt from Minutes of 28th session of the BiH CEC
    Adopting excerpt from Minutes of 29th session of the BiH CEC
    Adopting excerpt from Minutes of 30th (correspondent) session of the BiH CEC
  2. Resignations, termination of mandate and awarding substitute mandates:
      1) City Council Živinice
      2) Municipal Assembly of Istočni Stari Grad
  3. Proposal of the Decision in case of the City Election Commission of Srebrenik
  4. Proposal for Amendments to the Rulebook on conduct of elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  5. Proposal of the Decision on the Method and Conditions for Appointment and Work of Instructors in Training Teams for the 2024
  6. Proposal of Conclusion regarding violation of Article 5.5 of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina for:
      1) Political party “For justice and order – List of Nebojša Vukanović”
      2) Petar Mandić, President of the polling station committee at Polling Station 083B030A in basic constituency Zvornik
      3) Ema Zečević, President of the polling station committee at Polling Station 038B074B in basic constituency Doboj
  7. Proposal Decision regarding Duško Mlađenović, member of the polling station committee at polling station 083B010 in basic constituency Zvornik, and the political party Peasants’ Party
    1. 1) Proposal of Decision in case of Maksim Remetić, member of the polling station committee at polling station 083B022 in basic constituency Zvornik.
      2) Proposal of Conclusion in case of the political party “For justice and order – List of Nebojša Vukanović”
    1. 1) Proposal of Decision in case of Momčilo Mandić, member of the polling station committee at polling station 083B030A in basic constituency Zvornik
      2) Proposal of Conclusion in case of the political party “For justice and order – List of Nebojša Vukanović”
  8. Proposal of Decision on annulment of public procurement procedure for election material transport services
  9. A.O.B


dr. Irena Hadžiabdić