43 . Session of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina

18. 7. 2024 11 : 0

  1. Adopting excerpt of Minutes from 36th (urgent, correspondent) session of the BiH CEC
    Adopting excerpt of Minutes from 37th (urgent, correspondent) session of the BiH CEC
    Adopting excerpt of Minutes from 38th (urgent, correspondent) session of the BiH CEC
  2. Report on verification of candidates’ lists and candidates of political parties to participate in the 2024 Local Elections
  3. Resignations, termination of mandates and awarding substitute mandates:
      1) City Council Bihać
      2) Municipal Council Kupres
  4. Report on submitted applications for accreditation of observers for the 2024 Local Elections
  5. Proposals of Decisions concerning violation of Article 7.1 of the BiH Election Law:
      1) by political party HDZ BiH – Croatian Democratic Union of BIH (05-1-07-5-853/24)
      2) by political party Alliance of independent social democrats– SNSD – Milorad Dodik (05-1-07-5-903/24)
      3) by political party SDS – Serb Democratic Party (05-1-07-5-1030/24)
      4) by political party SDA – Party of Democratic Action (05-1-07-5-961/24)
      5) by political party SDA – Party of Democratic Action (05-1-07-5-986/24)
  6. Proposals of Conclusions concerning violation of Article 7.1 of the BiH Election Law:
      1) Political party Naprijed BiH! GV Zenica (05-1-07-5-925/24)
      2) On complaint filed by Coalition “Pod lupom” (05-1-07-5-684/24)
      3) Political party Social democratic party of BiH (05-1-07-5-976/24) with the proposal of Conclusion on merging the cases
      4) political party SDA – Party of Democratic Action (05-1-07-5-978/24)
  7. Proposal of Conclusion in the case of violation of the provisions of Article 7.1 and Article 7.2a of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina by the political party Bosnia and Herzegovina Initiative - Kasumović Fuad (05-1-07-5-929/24)
  8. Proposal of Conclusion in the case of violation of the provisions of Article 7.1 and Article 7.3 paragraph (1) item 8) of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina by the political party Alliance of Independent Social Democrats - SNSD - Milorad Dodik (05-1-07-5-1011/24)
  9. Proposal of Conclusion on the request of the Association for the Fight against Corruption Transparency International to restart the proceedings in the case of violation of the provisions of Article 7.2a of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina by the political party PDP - Party of Democratic Progress (05-1-07-5-895/24 )
  10. Proposals of Decision on appeals filed against decisions of election commissions of basic constituencies:
      1) Political subject Movement of Democratic Action (05-1-07-5-12/24)
      2) Political subject Movement of Democratic Action (05-1-07-5-13/24)
      3) Elzina Pirić (05-1-07-5-14/24)
      4) Political subject Alliance of independent social democrats – SNSD – Milorad Dodik (05-1-07-5-15/24)
  11. Proposals of decisions in case of implementation of Article 1.7 of the BiH Election Law- acquiring the right to register in the CVR
  12. Proposal of Conclusion on determining the text of the Manual for work of election results controllers – the 2024 Local Elections in BiH
  13. A.O.B.

Substitutes the president
Željko Bakalar, član