44 . Session of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina

23. 7. 2024 9 : 30

  1. Adopting the Excerpt from the Minutes of the 39th (urgent, correspondent) session of the Central Election Commission Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Adopting the Excerpt from the Minutes of the 40th (correspondent) session of the Central Election Commission
  2. Resignations, terminations of mandates and awarding substitute mandates:
      1) Municipal Assembly Istočni Stari Grad
  3. Proposals of Decisions in cases of violation of Article 7.1 of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina by:
      1) Independent candidate Davor Dragičević (05-1-07-5-975/24)
      2) Political party DEMOS -Democratic Union (05-1-07-5-711/24)
      3) Political party HDZ 1990 – Croatian Democratic Union 1990 (05-1-07-5-1027/24)
      4) Political party SDS – Serb Democratic Party (05-1-07-5-1029/24)
      5) Political party SDA – Party of Democratic Action (05-1-07-5-1034/24)
  4. Proposals of Conclusions in cases of violation of Article 7.1 of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina by:
      1) Political party SDA – Party of Democratic Action (05-1-07-5-958/24)
      2) Political party SDA – Party of Democratic Action (05-1-07-5-1102/24)
  5. Proposal of a Decision on the complaint of political party Croatian Republican Party regarding the violation of the provisions of Article 7.2a paragraph (2) point f) of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina by the political subject HDZ BiH - Croatian Democratic Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina (05-1-07-5-686/24)
  6. Proposal of a Decision concerning the application of Article 1.7 of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina – removal from the Central Voters' Register.
  7. Proposal of a Decision on the appeal concerning procurement of election material transport services
  8. Proposal of a Decision on the appointment of persons responsible for supervising production of paper with a watermark for ballots for the 2024 Local Elections
  9. Proposal of a Decision on the appointment of a team responsible for monitoring the implementation of the printing and packaging of ballots for the 2024 Local Elections.
  10. A.O.B.

dr. Irena Hadžiabdić