50 . Session of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina

8. 8. 2024 10 : 0

  1. Adopting excerpt from Minutes of 46th (urgent) session of the BiH CEC
    Adopting excerpt from Minutes of 47th (urgent, correspondent) session of the BiH CEC
  2. Resignations, termination of mandates and awarding substitute mandates:
      1) Municipal Assembly Han Pijesak
  3. Proposal of Decisions in case of:
      1) City election commission Trebinje
      2) Municipal election commission Novi Travnik
  4. Proposal of decision amending the decision:
      1) No.: 06-1-07-3-238/24 of 18. 7. 2024
      2) No.: 06-1-07-3-382/24 of 18. 7. 2024
  5. Proposal of Decisions in cases of violation of provisions of Article 7.1 of the BiH Election Law:
      1) by political party NES BIH – People's European Alliance (05-1-07-5-1107/24)
      2) by political party Alliance of independent social democrats – SNSD – Milorad Dodik (05-1-07-5-1261/24)
      3) by political party SDP – Social Democratic Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina (05-1-07-5-1069/24)
  6. Proposal of Conclusion in case of violation of provisions of Article 7.1 of the BiH Election Law by political subject Coalition for Mostar – SDA-BPS-BH ZELENI (05-1-07-5-1229/24)
  7. Proposal of the BiH CEC Procurement plan for 2024
  8. Proposal of Decision amending the Decision on procurement of office supplies for the BiH CEC
  9. Proposal of Decision on:
      1) Procurement of construction services for the meeting hall (reconstruction) in the headquarters of the BIH CEC
      2) Appointment of the procurement commission
  10. A.O.B.

dr. Irena Hadžiabdić