51 . Session of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina

12. 8. 2024 13 : 30

  1. Adopting Excerpt from Minutes of the 48th (urgent, correspondent) session of the Central Election Commission Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Adopting Excerpt from Minutes of the 49th (urgent, correspondent) session of the Central Election Commission Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Adopting Excerpt from Minutes of the 50th (urgent, correspondent) session of the Central Election Commission Bosnia and Herzegovina
  2. Resignations, terminations of mandates and awarding substitute mandates:
      1) Municipal Council of Vitez
  3. Proposal for Decisions in the case of the:
      1) City Election Commission of Jezero
      2) City Election Commission of Kotor Varoš
  4. Report on elected officials who did not submit the Declaration of Assets Form for the term 2020-2023, with proposals for Decisions and Conclusions.
  5. Proposal for a Decision on the designation of Polling Stations for voting in the Diplomatic/Consular Offices of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  6. Proposals of Decisions on appeals against the decisions of Election Commissions of basic constituencies filed by:
      1) Political Party SDP-Social Democratic Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina
      2) Political Party SBiH- Party for Bosnia and Herzegovina, City Board of Živinice
      3) Political Party SDA-Party of Democratic Action, City Board of Živinice
  7. Proposals of Decisions regarding objections against the Decision of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina. No. 06-1-07-1-1350-1/24 from August 1st 2024
  8. A.O.B.

dr. Irena Hadžiabdić