55 . Session of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina

20. 8. 2024 13 : 0

  1. Adopting the Excerpt from the Minutes of the 51st (urgent, correspondent) session of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  2. Proposal of the Decision regarding violation of the provisions of Chapter 3 of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina by Almir Hrnjić, Kenan Alispahić and Samir Deronjić with a Proposal of a Conclusion on joinder of cases
  3. Proposals of Decisions regarding violation of provisions of Article 7.1 of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina:
      1) By political party Democratic Union– DEMOS (05-1-07-5-1093/24)
      2) Concerning complaint filed by political party Social Democratic Party of BiH (05-1-07-5-809/24)
  4. Proposal of a Decision regarding violation of provision of Article 7.1 and Article 7.2 of the Election Law in Bosnia and Herzegovina by political party SDS – Serb Democratic Party (05-1-07-5-1001/24) with a Proposal of a Conclusion on joinder of cases
  5. Proposal of a Decision regarding violation of provision of Article 7.1, Article 7.2a paragraph (2) and Article 7.3 paragraph (1) point 8 of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina by political party Alliance of Independent Social Democrats – SNSD – Milorad Dodik (05-1-07-5-1176/24)
  6. Proposal of a Decision regarding a complaint filed by political party SDP – Social Democratic Party of BiH, City Council Cazin
  7. Proposals of Conclusions regarding violation of provision of Article 7.1 of the Election Law in Bosnia and Herzegovina by :
      1) Political party Democratic Front– DF (05-1-07-5-1197/24) with a Proposal of a Conclusion on joinder of cases
      2) Political party Democratic Union – DEMOS (05-1-07-5-1139-4/24)
      3) Political party Party of Democratic Progress– PDP (05-1-07-5-1064/24)
      4) Political party Serb Democratic Party– SDS (05-1-07-5-1150/24)
  8. Proposal of a Conclusion regarding violation of provision of Article 7.1 and Article 7.2a paragraph (2) of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina by political party Serb Democratic Party– SDS (05-1-07-5-1161/24)
  9. Proposal of a Decision on request to access information filled by Almir Čorić
  10. Proposal of Decisions on:
      1) Selection of most favourable bidder for procurement of advertising services in Bosnian language and Latin script in a high-circulation daily newspaper
      2) Annulment of the public procurement procedure of advertising services in Serbian language and Cyrillic script in a high-circulation daily newspaper
      3) Selection of most favourable bidder for procurement of advertising services in Croatian language and Latin script in a high-circulation daily newspaper
  11. A.O.B.

dr. Irena Hadžiabdić