65 . session of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina

19. 9. 2024 10 : 0

  1. Proposal for a Decision on the determination of excerpts from the Central Voters' Register for voters voting via mobile teams for the 2024 Local Elections
  2. Proposal for a Decision concerning the Municipal Election Commission of Ravno
  3. Reports on submitted requests for accreditation of election observers for the 2024 Local Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina:
      1) Labour Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Labour Party BiH
      2) Citizen Farmers Association „BIO-PRO“
  4. Proposals for Decisions in cases of violation of Article 7.1 of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina by:
      1) Political party HDZ BiH – Croatian Democratic Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a Conclusion on joinder of cases (05-1-07-5-1149/24)
      2) Political party HDZ 1990 – Croatian Democratic Union 1990 (05-1-07-5-1298/24)
      3) Political party NES BiH – People’s European Union BiH (05-1-07-5-1447/24)
      4) Political party Alliance for a New Policy– SNP (05-1-07-5-1157/24)
  5. Proposals for Conclusions in cases of violation of Article 7.1 of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina:
      1) Regarding the complaint of the political subject Independent List for Bosanski Petrovac (05-1-07-5-1849/24)
      2) Regarding the complaint of the political subject Independent List for Bosanski Petrovac (05-1-07-5-1851/24)
      3) Regarding the complaint of the political subject Alliance of Independent Social Democrats – SNSD – Milorad Dodik, concerning the complaint of the political subject Independent List for Bosanski Petrovac (05-1-07-5-1517/24)
  6. Proposals for Decisions in cases of violations of Articles 7.1 and 7.2a of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina by:
      1) Political party PDP – Party of Democratic Progress (05-1-07-5-712/24)
      2) Political party SDA – Party of Democratic Action (05-1-07-5-1122/24)
  7. Proposal for a Decision in case of violation of Articles 7.1 and 16.14, paragraph 3) of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina by political party People and Justice (05-1-07-5-1080/24)
  8. Proposals for Conclusions in cases of violation of Article 7.2a of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina by:
      1) Political party Alliance of Independent Social Democrats – SNSD – Milorad Dodik (05-1-07-5-1269/24)
      2) Political party Alliance of Independent Social Democrats – SNSD – Milorad Dodik (05-1-07-5-1316/24)
  9. Proposal for a Decision regarding the complaint of political party SDA – Party of Democratic Action (05-1-07-5-1733/24)
  10. Proposals for Decisions regarding the complaint of political party People's Front – Jelena Trivić concerning the actions of the members of the Municipal Election Commission of Jezero:
      1) Bojana Klačar (05-1-07-5-1597/24)
      2) Dejan Nikolčić (05-1-07-5-1597/24)
  11. Proposals for Conclusions regarding complaints against the Decision of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 06-1-07-1-1339/24 dated 1 August 2024:
      1) Asija Durić (05-1-07-5-2179/24)
      2) [email protected] (05-1-07-5-2177/24)
      3) MB SDP Gradačac (05-1-07-5-2188/24)
      4) HDZ 1990 (05-1-07-5-1919/24)
      5) MB SDA Banovići (05-1-07-5-1859/24)
      6) Coalition for Free and Fair Elections “Pod lupom” (05-1-07-5-1990/24)
      7) Coalition for Free and Fair Elections “Pod lupom” (05-1-07-5-1993/24)
  12. Proposal for a Conclusion regarding the complaint of Husejn Gluhić against the Decision of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 06-1-07-1-1340-1/24 dated 1 August 2024 (05-1-07-5-2119/24)
  13. Proposal for a Decision regarding the appeal of the political subject Movement of Democratic Action filed against the Decision of the Municipal Election Commission of Banovići (05-1-07-5-36/24)
  14. Proposals for Decisions regarding requests for access to information by:
      1) Slaven Bošnjak
      2) Bojan Vuković
  15. Proposal for a Decision on the amendment of the Interim Procurement Plan for the year 2024 of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  16. A.O.B.

Dr. Irena Hadžiabdić