69 . Session of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina

26. 9. 2024 10 : 30

  1. Resignations, terminations of mandates and awarding substitute mandates:
      1) City Council of the City of Mostar
      2) Municipal Council of Kakanj
  2. Reports on the submitted requests for accreditation of election observers for the 2024 Local Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina:
      1) Association Forum of Citizens of Tuzla
      2) Citizens' Association “O22”
      3) Serb Democratic Party
      4) SDS – Will of the People
      5) SDA – Party of Democratic Action
      6) Unite Srpska
  3. Proposal for a Decision on the annulment of parts of decisions No. 06-1-07-1-710/24 dated 12 June 2024, and 06-1-07-1-710/24 dated 25 July 2024, regarding the accreditation of observers for the observation of the 2024 Local Elections
  4. Proposal for a Decision on the amendment of the Decision on the determination of extracts from the Central Voters' Register for voters who will vote via mobile team for the 2024 Local Elections, No. 06-1-07-2-620-4/24 dated 19 September 2024
  5. Proposals for Decisions in cases of violation of Article 7.1 of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina by:
      1) Political party Independent List for Bosanski Petrovac (05-1-07-5-1173/24)
      2) Political party PDP – Party of Democratic Progress (05-1-07-5-1072/24)
      3) Political party Alliance of Independent Social Democrats – SNSD – Milorad Dodik (05-1-07-5-1106/24)
  6. Proposal for a Decision in cases of violation of the provisions of Article 7.1 and Article 7.2a, paragraph (2) of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina by the political party HDZ BiH – Croatian Democratic Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina (05-1-07-5-1329/24)
  7. Proposals for Decisions in cases of violation of the provisions of Article 7.2a of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina regarding the complaint of the political party PDA – Movement for Democratic Action, Municipal Board of Banovići (05-1-07-5-1887/24)
  8. Proposals for Decisions in cases of violation of the provisions of Article 7.3, paragraph (1), point 7 of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina regarding the complaint of the political party Alliance of Independent Social Democrats – SNSD – Milorad Dodik (05-1-07-5-740/24)
  9. Proposals for Decisions in cases of violation of the provisions of Article 7.3, paragraph (1), point 7 of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina by the political party Croatian Democratic Union of BiH – HDZ BiH (05-1-07-5-1991/24)
  10. Proposals for Conclusions in cases of violation of Article 7.1 of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina by:
      1) Political party People’s Font – Jelena Trivić (05-1-07-5-1068/24)
      2) Political party People’s Party of Srpska – Darko Banjac (05-1-07-5-2016/24)
      3) Political party Socialist Party (05-1-07-5-1069/24)
  11. Proposal for a Conclusion in the case of violation of the provisions of Article 7.1 and Article 7.2a of the Election Law of BiH by the political party Democratic Front – DF (05-1-07-5-1183/24)
  12. Proposal for a Conclusion in the case of violation of the provisions of Article 7.2a and Article 7.3, paragraph (1), point 7) of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina by the political party Democratic Union – DEMOS (05-1-07-5-1296/24)
  13. Proposal for a Decision regarding the complaint of Belma Lojić against the Decision of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 06-1-07-1-1340-1/24 dated 1 August 2024 (05-1-07-5-2236/24)
  14. Proposal for a Decision on the appeal of the Centre for Civil Initiatives – For the Coalition for Free and Fair Elections “Pod lupom” against the Decision of the City Election Commission of Banja Luka (05-1-07-5-20/24)
  15. Proposal for a Decision regarding the request for information by Teo Zorić
  16. A.O.B.

Dr. Irena Hadžiabdić