The procedure to certify political subjects to participate in the 2024 Local Elections continued

Sarajevo, 06.06.2024 –  Based on the report on the verification of the applications of political parties and independent candidates for participation in the 2024 Local Elections, and after addressing deficiencies and irregularities in the applications, the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina has during its 29th session today continued the process of verifying the applications of political subjects for participation in the 2024 Local Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina, scheduled for Sunday, October 6.

Within the specified deadline, 23 political parties responded to the notification from the Central Election Commission of BiH and rectified irregularities and deficiencies, resulting in their certification to participate in the 2024 Local Elections. Additionally, 12 political parties were partially certified, meaning they met the requirements for certification only in specific constituencies.

Furthermore, a total of 19 independent candidates addressed irregularities and deficiencies in their applications within the specified deadline, whereof 3 independent candidates representing national minorities and their applications were certified. However, 4 independent candidates failed to rectify the irregularities or deficiencies identified in their applications, leading to the rejection of their candidacies.

A total of 117 political parties, 145 independent candidates, and 43 independent candidates representing national minorities have been certified to participate in the 2024 Local Elections in BiH, including those certified previously.

Certified political parties and independent candidates have the opportunity to submit applications for the certification of coalitions and lists of independent candidates from June 10 to June 18, 2024, until 4:00 p.m. Updated summaries of certified political entities are accessible on the website of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

You can watch today’s session of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina at: